At Polar Furnace High Quality is not just another phrase we slap into our ads and brochures and website because it sounds good. We are serious about our commitment to producing High Quality products. High Quality is not something you can wake up one morning and decide to have as part of your products. Commitment to High Quality is a systemic cultural matter that influences the entire life cycle of the product including the initial design process and specifications list, testing, how the product is manufactured, and how the product is supported after it has been sold.
High Quality begins with developing the best furnace concept. There are cheap ways of laying out a hydronic heater and there are more expensive ways to lay out a furnace. At Polar we don’t decide on a concept from either of these two perspectives. We pick what we are convinced is the best possible way to configure a wood furnace for the absolute best customer experience with our products. We want you to enjoy your product. Clean, Simple, Heating with Wood is not just a fancy line on our brochures. We mean it. The G-Class products represent the absolute pinnacle of outdoor furnace design and we encourage you to learn more about G-Class design features and why you will love your G-Class.
From Design and R&D products move to manufacturing. Our Factory is committed to high quality during manufacturing. This is most evident when looking or inspecting one of our products. It’s everywhere. In the precision formed housing, the high luster beautiful paint, the design of doors and hinges, simple easy to use door latches, the high quality electrical components we use, in the way the electical wiring is done, the beautiful welds. You’ll see it everywhere no matter how deep into the product you dig.
How is it possible to maintain such a high standard? It’s the result of a culture we work hard to maintain at Polar Furnace and has a lot to do with integrity and honesty. Our factory has a complete quality management system which is deeply integrated into our management and manufacturing processes. This quality system is design to not only maintain high quality but to also encourage and facilitate continuous improvement. In fact our quality management system is so robust that during August of 2014 our factory became the first in the industry to achieve ISO9001:2008 certification following an extensive audit.
Welding is an important part of the production process of an outdoor wood furnace and our factory maintains Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) certification. CWB welding certification is recognized around the globe as a premier indicator of high quality welding involving welding engineers and tested and certified welders.
Every weld on every Polar Furnace product has been designed by a welding engineer. The welding engineer looks at the base material type and thickness, the application as well as the position in which a weld will be made and develops a “welding recipe” for welders to use when creating the weld. Our professional welders including the robotic welders we use are tested regularly to insure they are capable of making all the welds assigned to them perfectly. This annual welder certification testing involves an entire day of welder testing with a CWB assigned welding inspector. During this day our manual and robotic welders make the different types of welds assigned to them on test plates. These welds are then tested by the CWB inspecter using various destructive techniques to insure the welds were completed properly. All of our welders must pass these tests annually.
All our products meet the most recent applicable CSA and UL safety standards and are certified to these standards. This means that at the end of the development process our products go through a battery of safety testing that looks at things like electrical wiring, shielding, various temperatures, overall construction, rain testing and much more. Regular factory visits or audits by CSA and UL inspectors insure continuing compliance to the most recent CSA and UL safety standards.
Wood burning is carbon neutral and does not increase the amount of green house gases in our atmosphere. The Polar G-Class products are EPA emissions certified and incredibly clean burning. To achieve this certification every model must undergo several days of stringent testing in an EPA certified laboratory. The EPA test method is designed in such away that a product must have extremely good combustion and also have a properly functioning heat exchanger in order to meet the limits set by the EPA. The G-Class products emit just a tiny fraction of the pollutants older conventional outdoor wood furnaces emit and burn as much as 60% less wood.
The G-Class products easily meet current EPA requirements and the Polar G3 is amongst a group of very few products on the market that already meets proposed 2020 EPA performance requirements.
The G-Class 15-year limited warranty is our guarantee. We know you will likely never need it because all our products are proven, trustworthy, honest high-quality products. Of course, the warranty is subject to proper operation and maintenance as detailed in the owner’s manual. Our warranty is simple and easy to understand and is actually a combination of more than one warranty and provides no-nonsense, no-hassle warranty coverage to you.
The 15-year replacement warranty provides you with a sliding prorated discount on a replacement unit should your furnace need to be replaced because of an unrepairable leak in the water-jacket.
If your unit develops a water leak that is unrepairable during the first 4 years you own the product Polar will replace the defective unit with a new unit at no charge to you except for the cost of shipping the new unit to your location.
If your unit develops a repairable water leak during the first 4 years your heater will be repaired on site or at our factory at no cost to you.
If any electrical component should fail within 1 year Polar will replace the defective component including shipping at no cost to you.
We manufacture several models of hydronic furnaces to supply heat for your home, cottage, business or farm. Our furnaces provide domestic hot water and heat pools, spas, hot tubs, and anything else requiring heat. Carefully designed to be simple and easy to use, Polar furnaces are crafted from only the highest quality materials and components.
Hundreds of Polar Furnace heaters supply heat to homes, cottages, farms and businesses throughout the USA and Canada.
We promise to care about you. No matter how full our plate is, we will still return you call. Our team is passionate about helping you out, solving any problem you have, or helping you make that decision. No matter where you are in the purchase or ownership cycle, we promise to respond and engage with you like we would to each other, or anyone else in the organization. We’re on your side. That’s the Polar Furnace promise: we care.
No matter where you are or what you do, we believe the single most important element to the ongoing success of any business is respectable business ethic. If the product you are looking at is well suited to your needs, we will tell you honestly. And if not, we will tell you that too, and explain why. We fully expect every unit sold to work well and meet your expectations. If, for whatever reason, this stops being the case, we will work with you and do everything we can to help you meet your objectives.
We know that honesty and integrity are essential to growth, which is why we continuously review our actions to insure they align with our core values, both as a company and as individuals.
At Polar Furnace, we promise to supply you with an honest product that we know works, and that you can count on to work well for a long time. We will work with you to ensure our product helps you meet your goals, whatever they may be.
Our products incorporate everything we’ve learned from years of experience in outdoor wood furnaces design and application, and we are committed to continue learning as well. If along the way there is something we learn that will make your experience with our product even better, we’ll be sure to let you know.
We are proud to build honest products and communicate what we know about each one factually and honestly. At Polar Furnace, we promise only the performance and capabilities we are 100% certain our products will deliver.
Upon close inspection, Polar products clearly demonstrate our commitment to high-quality materials and components, both inside and out. Quality is not just about choosing the best components; it’s about choosing the right design right from the start. Quality is also about having the proper systems in place during manufacturing to systematically improve and embody a commitment to high quality through every process and procedure.
Every day, in every situation, all of us here at Polar Furnace work to establish and maintain our trustworthy reputation. Our company culture is based on truth, honor, equality, fairness and ability. We know that only by doing our best work does our company continue to flourish.
We believe our most remarkable capacity as human beings is to have an open mind. Because we know there is always something new to learn that could completely change our understanding of a particular thing, whatever it may be, we listen carefully and don’t assume we always know best. Even in times of disagreement, we strive to treat others’ opinions, ideas, and understandings with respect and courtesy.
A company’s personality is evident in the way it communicates. It is in the unspoken, unwritten rules that govern the way we do things and not do other things. Our identity helps guide us through difficult and also good times, including times of change and conflict. Awareness of who we are as a company and our company personality gives guidance and directs us to meaningful, fitting, and consistent solutions or resolutions to whatever challenge we engage with along the way.