Terry and Deloris are retired and living on a rural property a few hours east of Ottawa. From their living room window they enjoy a breathtaking view of the rugged Canadian Shield landscape crowding up against a clear blue lake. In their remote location, there are not many heating options and Terry and Deloris have heated their home with wood their entire lives.
Terry was getting tired of cutting the many cords of wood it took to heat his home, two-car detached garage and work shop with his conventional outdoor wood furnace, so he started looking for alternative ways to heat his property.

At a farm trade show, Terry noticed a new type of outdoor wood furnaces know as gassers or downdraft gasifiers. What caught his attention is that sales people claimed the new gassers burned as much as 60% less wood when compared to the older technology. After looking at all the different models at the show, Terry decided the Polar Furnace G-Class units were the best gassers there. He purchased one and has been running a Polar G2 ever since.
“I really like how little ash the G2 generates. With my old unit, I needed the loader to get rid of all the ash accumulating. It’s amazing that most of that ash is now getting burned.”
Terry loves his Polar G2 and burns only well-seasoned hardwood, mostly maple. He confirms the unit definitely burns a lot less wood, but what really strikes him is how little ash the unit generates. When running his old unit, Terry needed to regularly use a small loader to haul all the accumulating ash away. With the G2 he estimates he’s getting less than half a bucket load of ashes in the heating season.