Wood Heat Organization
Wood Heat is an NGO non-profit committed to promoting the responsible use of wood in home heating applications.
“We start from the premise that heating a house with wood, partly or totally, is environmentally appropriate (conditionally) and economically beneficial. That doing it is physically healthful, and that experiencing it is comforting to the body and soothing to the spirit. Big claims for a heating fuel.
Like any other human endeavor, wood heating can be done badly or well. Firewood can be harvested poorly, burned dirty and its heat wasted. The harmful behavior of those who burn wood badly has led to continual attacks in the media on the whole idea of residential wood heating.” – woodheat.org
Hearty, Patio and Barbeque Association (HPBA)
Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (HPBA) is an international not-for-profit trade association first established in 1980 to represent and promote the interests of the hearth products industry in North America. In 2002, the Hearth Products Association (HPA) merged with the Barbecue Industry Association (BIA) to form HPBA. The association includes manufacturers, retailers, distributors, manufacturers’ representatives, service and installation firms, and other companies and individuals – all having business interests in and related to the hearth, patio, and barbecue products industries.